"Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."
-Dr. Suess
Come take a walk in my shoes during a typical day for me in the city:
Where I live, on the 29th floor: Marymount Manhattan College Residence on East 55th in Midtown
Where I sleep: Top bunk for me, bottom bunk for my clothes :)
The windows in my room with a great view of the skyscrapers in Lower Manhattan
My desk, now complete with books, movies, pictures, and my laptop. (Of course my Gmail is open and you can't beat Step Up on TBS on the tube!)
The other desk area and my closets
The bathroom I share with my other 2 suitemates, Jessica and Kendra
Kitchen area in our suite. Everything is so bare and white!
The sitting area in the kitchen...right.
Now to venture outside down to the corner of 55th and 3rd Ave, PJ Clarkes, a famous restaurant that was built in 1864 and has survived so many changes around it in its 145 year history. Apparently several actors have dined there over the years. It's on the list to do this summer!
It's off to work! I walk 2 blocks to go down into the subway to catch the V train to work in the mornings. I usually allow 30-40 minutes for my commute that includes getting down into the subway and then waiting for my train.
Inside a very empty subway car...it's only empty because I'm almost to my stop at Broadway and Lafayette and most everyone has gotten off before on earlier stops.
Up out of the subway in the Soho district at Houston (How-ston, not Hew-ston) and Broadway and walk 2 blocks to my office. The Adidas store is the big glass building across the street.
Where I work! The Scholastic Building is the red and white one in the middle.
Looking up at all of the staircases inside the Scholastic Building-11 floors! I work on the 4th.
This is the carpet at the office: the Scholastic Credo printed over and over again.
My desk area: computer, phone, locker, family picture (the mail lady thought I had 3 OLDER brothers...guess that's what happens when they all outgrow me!), story files, previous issues of the magazine, and even a couple of science project books.
My desk is just to the right, but at the end of this loooooong hallway is where my editors' desks are. Needless to say, I sit back in the corner with the company of the mail lady and custodians coming in and out of the service elevator all day. Ah, the life of an intern....
My official Scholastic id used to get in and out of the building each day.
The classroom magazines I write for: Science World and SuperScience
After work I ride the D train up to the gym in Harlem. Here is a view of the streets of the Harlem neighborhood...very different compared to Midtown!
And around the corner is the gym: New York Sports Club
Coming back after working out I ride the D train to Rockefeller Center and get off near Radio City Music Hall. A 15-20 minute walk back to the Marymount Residence gives me a chance to chat on the phone with family and friends since there is no cell service down in the subways.
And a bonus picture: Stores are not long, but rather tall around here. Thus, escalators to all of the floors are a common thing inside places like Kmart and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Here you can see that actually dual escalators are used, one for the shoppers and one for the carts. Haha!
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